
The countdown is on

I will admit that I love college football. Something about the wonderful fall weather and the atmosphere that revolves around a college football stadium. Thousands of cheering fans. Tailgating. I love everything about football season!

I always have. My dad played college football at the University of Arkansas in the 1950's. Most people are quite surprised that I like football, let alone, understand what is going on.

It has been a tradition to watch football on Saturdays, no matter which team is playing. There is always a good game on, even if your team isn't playing. There is always a good rivalry to watch or even to watch and hope your biggest competition doesn't do too well!

I graduated from the University of Missouri in 2007. Over the past few years, our football program got better and better. We are still not the caliber of team like USC, LSU or Florida, but one day, we might be!

Thanks to my sister, I have tickets to the season opener coming up in September at the Edward Jones Dome, in St. Louis. This is a big game. Our one of our rivalry games against Illinois. She has all the connections and passes things my way all the time. Thank goodness for her and those connections! My husband and I will be there, wearing our matching black and gold attire and cheering for the Tigers!

I hope to keep you updated throughout the season. I hope you love college football as much as I do because I know this season is going to be a great one! Get your tickets for the MU-Illinois game now, and meet me at the stadium!


Cecilia 8/26/09, 1:01 PM  

You are so lucky!!!!! I am a football fanatic. My hubby gets a little annoyed with it sometimes. Shoot, my son is playing football and I have a blast at that. It's so cute watching the little guys.

Natalie "The Pampered Mom" 8/26/09, 2:46 PM  

you lucky!

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About This Blog

As you can imagine, this blog is about me -- a southern girl, well woman actually, living in a northern city. I don't claim to be from Mississippi or any other southern state but my accent might fool you. And I don't claim to live in New York-- really, I live in a mid-western city. From the small, southern town where I was raised, I am far from home but this is my new life. This blog will document my journey with my amazing husband and our pooch and the rest of our family.

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