

It is so hard to believe that Thanksgiving, Christmas and 2009 have all passed. I regret not posting more but even more, I regret not documenting my year in 2009. It was a roller coaster of a year with family, friends and life in general and looking back, it will be hard to remember all the little moments that made 2009 a good year.

Looking forward to 2010, I have a few goals -not resolutions because everyone knows that resolutions go out the window as soon as the newness wears off -- that I want to share.

Document more. A LOT MORE. I want to use my camera and really capture the times that I don't want to forget in the year ahead. Blog more to share these memories and experiences.

Be a better wife/sister/daughter and friend. In 2009, I had a hard time find a balance with being a wife but also caring for my Mom. I feel that sometimes, my husband took the back seat. He is such a great husband that he simply says he understands the situation and accepts it for what it is. It was hard for me to stay connected to my friends too. In the few emails, phone calls and the very rare times when I actually saw my friends, I realized what I was missing from those relationships. My sister and I grew closer in 2009 because of our Mom. I love that we are closer now but I want us to be closer on every level and not just because of our Mom. In 2010, I want to find the balance. I want to put my husband first, find time for my friends and grow closer to my sister all while being the best daughter I can.

Learn more. I have a few areas where I want to gain more knowledge -- photography/photoshop and sewing/embroidery. I want to learn to use these machines and become quite skilled at the same time.

Do more. More volunteering, specifically. I feel so fortunate to have the life and blessing that I have. Sometimes I take these things for granted. I want to find an organization where I can help others. I volunteered a lot when I was in college and I miss having a sense of fulfillment of helping others.

Take time for myself. I know, it sounds silly but over the past few years, I have not been as good to myself as I should be. I want to be healthy and happy. I want to start exercising and eat better. I want to do something that I enjoy and not feel guilty for it.

My hope for 2010 is to be the best me possible. {Cheesy, right!}


Cecilia 1/4/10, 4:22 PM  

I'm going to document more too. I thought I had done a great job of that last year, but I was sadly disappointed. Happy new year!!!

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About This Blog

As you can imagine, this blog is about me -- a southern girl, well woman actually, living in a northern city. I don't claim to be from Mississippi or any other southern state but my accent might fool you. And I don't claim to live in New York-- really, I live in a mid-western city. From the small, southern town where I was raised, I am far from home but this is my new life. This blog will document my journey with my amazing husband and our pooch and the rest of our family.

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